What are The Best Vitamins for Hair Loss? (Healthy Hair)


What if one day you wake up and see that there is hair all over your pillow? Nightmare! This happens if your hair is not getting enough care and treatment. Unhealthy hair means you will need to get vitamins for hair loss.

Vitamins for Hair Loss

They can prevent it from happening again or stop it now. Plan on what you will do now and include them in your shopping list.

What are the best vitamins for hair loss?

Here are vitamins for hair loss you must take to avoid waking up like this again:

Vitamin A

Buy the one that contains only 2,500ul because even if Vitamin A makes your scalp produce more oil, excessive amount of Vitamin in the body can lead to bone deficiencies such as osteoporosis. Do not get the one that contains 5,000ul.

Vitamin B 

Complex – Components found in this vitamin supplement can help hair loss.

  • Vitamin B6 – Aids in niacin production which helps in hair loss, but B12 is needed for activating it.
  • Vitamin B12 is well absorbed if you take it with Vitamin C. Otherwise; it will not be used well by the body.
  • Vitamin B3 is another form of niacin which lessens the amount of cholesterol that is present in the scalp which can impede the growth of hair.


This can be gotten from food that you eat, but before you can get the recommended dose which is 30mcg, you need to consume many calories. Biotin is very important in hair growth and keeps your hair from becoming dry. Dry hair can lead to breakage and bad hair texture.

Vitamin C

This is one of the most well-known antioxidants and is very good in maintaining healthy hair. Vitamin C helps in the process of collagen production, and it is very easy to get it as a supplement or from your food. You would need 90 to 120mg of this in a day so make sure you are getting enough of this.

Vitamin E

This is used by the scalp to circulate and helps in generating cells. You need scalp circulation and cell generation for better hair growth. Consume 15 to 19 mg of this in a day to get the benefits.

Vitamin D

This is important to make your hair follicles healthier. You can get enough dose of Vitamin D by going out in the sun provided that it not be extremely hot. Do not go out beyond 12 in the afternoon because the sun would already be very hot. During the winter, you do not get enough sun, so this is the time when you need to get yourself Vitamin D supplements.


It is usually taken for granted, but this is a mineral that is needed by the hair. Moreover, if you do not have enough of it in the body, the effect can be seen after some time.

Pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5

It helps prevent hair from becoming gray, and it makes hair follicles stronger to make it function better. Another benefit of Pantothenic acid is it helps clear your scalp of dead skin which can block the growth of hair.

If you take the time to research and find out what you can take to promote a healthier hair, you will not have to worry about losing hair again. These Vitamins will not only stop hair loss but will also restore your hair to its natural beauty making it stronger and longer. Remember that there is a maximum amount of how much you can consume per day because if you take more than that, it may have an opposite effect.

Where to buy vitamins for hair loss?

Vitamins for hair loss can easily be bought, and it is also important that you be buying the ones that are effective and good for you. Some sub-standard Vitamin supplements should not be considered and might cause you to lose hair. Keep in mind that you cannot just take vitamin supplements and let go of your health. If you do not take the proper diet, it will not help your body to use the supplements as well. Before taking any vitamin supplement, ask a go signal from your doctor first especially if you have other health conditions.

Maintain your healthy hair because it also makes a person beautiful. Remember only to get the proper amount of vitamins for hair loss because everything in excess is bad.

Natural Vitamin Supplements for Hair loss : viviscal.com
21 Reasons Why You're Losing Your Hair : health.com