How to Stop a Panic Attack


A panic attack is common among certain people. It is an immediate burst of fear and anxiety. This occurrence is the body’s natural fight or flight mechanism which prepares the body for to defend itself or to run forms a particular situation that is deemed threatening. This is a subconscious trigger where physiological reflexes along with disturbing thoughts of fears become so overwhelming. One of the physical reflexes is the release of the adrenal hormone adrenalin. This hormone is released to bolster one's survival chances in a death scenario.

How to Stop a Panic Attack

So how to stop a panic attack?

This natural response is useful to the body and in prehistoric time is was quite instrumental in the survival of humanity as a species. In this modern age this natural response id often guilty of creating problems more so when a person has a low trigger  for attacks and slow recovery times. When panic attacks frequently happen it becomes difficult for them to be managed and regulated, these attacks may produce the feeling that you’re losing control and they appear out of nowhere leaving the victim feeling fearful and confused as to when there will be a repeat performance along with all the disturbing thoughts associated with them. These attacks can cause disruption to many areas of a person’s life such as their social and profession engagements making them a significant problem. With the following tips you will be able to manage and eliminate these annoying reactions altogether.

Relax and breathe

End your panic attack before it even begins, start first by relaxing your muscles, then tensing all of your muscles in a single area of your body, such as your left arm, face etc., do this for a few seconds and then relax them, do this with all the muscles in your body as you focus on your breathing.

Change you atmosphere

By changing your surroundings or your circumstances at the initial symptoms of the attack, you can sometimes prevent it from happening. Keep in mind that you should not just avoid situations or places because you think they may trigger your attack. If you do this, you run the risk of developing a condition called agoraphobia. This condition happens when you become conditioned like Pavlov's dog through multiple experiences of panic attacks at a particular location, or in a particular situation in which you experienced fear. If this happens, the natural reaction of someone is to avoid such situations or places. In extreme cases of agoraphobia accompanied with constant panic attacks, many persons learn to avoid many locations and usually restrict themselves to a particular zone that is deemed safe or their comfort zone. Some individuals confine themselves to their homes and become so fearful of the outside world. Some will even confine themselves to a particular room in their house.

If you are currently experiencing this, then it is recommended with help that you gradually become exposed to your triggers. This method of treatment will see the person who is suffering from panic attacks slowly visiting places they were once afraid of, with self-confidence and newly found knowledge. Learning relaxation techniques is also quite useful for these situations. You can also ask a trusted friend to accompany you for moral support. With all these useful tips and help you will notice that you are gaining the confidence that is needed so that you can return to your regular habits.

Many times nature is a wonderful relaxer. Walking in the park or on a beach, or just riding your bicycle along a stretch of water will do wonders in reducing panic attacks as you learn to relax. Try to live somewhere that you have nature around, as this will allow you to connect to something greater than you psychosocial problems. Once you have identified something that works, use is continuously, as this will prevent an attack before it starts.

Journal your panic attacks

It is always good to journal the strategies that have proven to be useful in the past by writing them down. Have a journal for your home and your car. You should also have a journal for your place of employment. If you feel the onset of a panic attack, look back at your journal as this will help you know how to stop a panic attack. If it is more than you can manage contact a crisis line. You should also have this phone number in your journal along with the name of a family member or close friend that helped you in the past.

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