Proper Approaches On How To Prevent Cystic Acne


How To Prevent Cystic Acne? Acne is a disease that is characterized by red scaly skin and severe seborrhea. It can lead to dark spots of the body, papules and nodules and even result to large scales on the skin.

Besides the skin appearance disruption, the disease can propel low self-esteem in individuals due to the shame it creates to the infected.

Cystic acne is a more severe form of acne since it affects deeper parts of the skin leading to the large length of the skin being destroyed. These scars are always worse because large portions of the skin are infected.


Proper Approaches On How To Prevent Cystic Acne

Causes Of Cystic Acne

There several causes that give rise to cystic acne. For adolescents, hormonal changes play a major role. During puberty, the follicular glands are stimulated by androgens to form more sebum that the normal level of the body. Sebum is the one that accumulates under the skin to cause the swelling appearance that release pus when pricked or pressed. During pregnancy, there is also a lot of increase in androgens that causes sebum to increase. Using steroid medications that have anabolic properties also increase sebum which causes cystic acne. It can also be linked to genetics since some people have more sebum than others that can be inherited by offspring. P. acne is a bacteria that causes cystic acne due to its ability to penetrate deep in the skin. Many ways have been established on how to prevent cystic acne though not all are healthy and successful.

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Treatment Approaches And Prevention

One can use Benzyl peroxide. This is the first-line drug due to its quick action and good results with fewer side effects. It counteracts P.acnes and ensures that its spread is highly reduced. It has anti-inflammatory properties probably by inhibiting migration of polymophornulear cells. It should be used with care because it increases sensitivity of the skin to the sun.

Use of antibiotics is only recommended when the infection is severe and it’s caused by P.acnes. The use of aminoglycosides and anti-inflammatory medications helps greatly in reducing infection caused by the bacteria P.acnes. Topical erythromycin can be used in pregnancy because it does not go to system circulation when applied topically.

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Salicylic Acid helps in reducing growth of bacteria. This is a very helpful medication because it can open even blocked pores of the skin to release accumulation of the fluid underneath the skin so as to have a soft skin. If used in excess it can lead to hyper-pigmentation of the skin.

Use of retinoid medications can also help in controlling cystic acne. Have anti-inflammatory activities and can help in normalizing life of follicular cells. They include drugs like adapalene, tretinoin and carotene.

How to prevent cystic acne depends on how well one can prevent him or herself from the causes. Eating a heavily glycemic diet always favors appearance of cystic acne. Preventing such diet will, therefore, reduce the risk of acquiring the infection. Maintaining good hygiene that will not provide conducive environment for P.acnes is also a good way of preventing it. Always visit a dermatologist if you suspect cystic acne. Do not use the needle to pick the lesions since you might even damage your skin more. It’s, therefore, good to wait until its ripe then press it to release the pus.