Real Flame Gel Fuel Review (13oz cans / 24-Pack)


I have used gel fuel for a long time and it has worked perfect for me. I cannot say that there is a brand of gel fuel that I haven’t tried in my life. They are all perfect, but I was looking for the one that can last for a bit longer. Real Flame Gel Fuel works perfect like other gel fuel, but it is unique.

real flame gel fuel

See Product Details: Real Flame Gel Fuel – 13 oz cans: 24-Pack

The first time I bought it and used it I didn’t realize if there was anything different from others. It is until I read on Shopping Store Online that it worked better and for more hours than the other gel fuel. This made me furious to know how good it was. I used it and measured the duration it takes and I deed the same with another fuel. I realized that the longer time to burn completely.

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Real Flame Gel Fuel can burn for fifteen minutes more than another gel fuel. This is what makes unique. What I have come to realize that you need not do is that don’t buy too many cans. The more they stay, the less time they take to burn. If you buy only to use during special occasions then buy a few so that you cannot waste your money in the long-run. It is when electricity goes out that I make use of Real Flame Gel Fuel. For me, I use them as a life server that is they help me when there is no electricity when there is too much rain or winds.

Gel Fuel Review (13oz cans / 24-Pack)My worry was that this fuel might be containing carbon monoxide that may lead to death since my kids at the moment was young. I went I head to buy a carbon monoxide detector to test whether it really produced it. During my test, the detector remained at the zero mark. That is the time I became free with Real Flame Gel Fuel.

With all good, it does have never complained misses. I dislike one thing about this fuel; its fumes smell has alcoholic smell. I really dislike this smell and you will only realize after you get out of the house and come back. But if you just stay in the house for a bit longer you cannot detect any smell. I changes are to be made is on this smell it is really messing up with me.gel fuel 24

Even if it has that odor it is much lesser than that of another gel fuel. The reason for me to be changing from one type to the other was due to this odor. But since I use it only once when there is a blackout I don’t have much problem.

My husband likes because he his taking alcohol. If you need a gel fuel, you need to find more about each type for you to get the right one for you. If it is burning they do burn completely, they don’t leave traces behind at all. If you love your family as a husband or wife find a few cans of Real Flame Gel Fuel and all will be well during the power blackout.

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