Going Herbal To Treat Hypothyroidism [Herbs For Hypothyroidism]


Herbs For Hypothyroidism – Hypothyroidism is a health condition that occurs as a result of an underactive thyroid gland. Usually, the level of thyroid hormone known as thyroxine drastically reduces to the point that it can no longer fully support the necessary body functions.

There are various symptoms associated with the condition and this may vary from one person to the other. These include constipation, tiredness, weight gain and dry skin. The condition can be controlled by use of pharmaceutical drugs or herbs which makeup for the thyroxine that the thyroid glands are not making.

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There are a number of herbs for hypothyroidism treatment. These are often preferred because they are readily available and have other health benefits. Using herbs for hypothyroidism management also exposes one to fewer side effects if any.

Here is a list of some herbs that can be used to manage the condition:


Bladder-wrack-1109325960_c4777f0f89This is a common herbs for hypothyroidism caused by iodine deficiency. It is a seaweed that goes by the scientific name Fucus meticulous. The herb is a rich source of iodine and when taken it swiftly replenishes the body with iodine which is the form of easily absorbable iodine ions. The recommended dose of bladder-wrack for treating hypothyroidism is 600mg which should be taken 1-3 times daily. Other beneficial elements found in the herb include potassium, mucilage, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. Make sure to get the herb from safe sources free from pollution of any kind.


Guggul is a gum resin extract acquired from the bark of the tree Commiphora wights which grows in arid climate such as Asia and Northern Africa. The herb is believed to contain an active compound known as guggulsterone which aid in the treatment of hypothyroidism by motivating thyroid functions. Typically, it is taken at a dose of 25mg or 10 t0n 40 drops of the liquid extract up to 4times daily. Other benefits associated with this herb include anti-inflammatory, cholesterol lowering and anti-obesity properties.


Eleuthero-8654220985_053283e70eIt goes by the popular name Siberian ginseng. Eleuthero is considered to be a magical herb for hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism patients. It is very effective in regulating hormonal activities in the body. The herb also contains elements that assist in the proper functioning of both the thymus and adrenal glands.

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Coleus-5798160218_2025679e45Goes by the scientific names Coleus forskolin or Plectranthus Barbados; Indian coleus. It boosts thyroid function by motivating the production of the thyroid hormones. The recommended dosage stands at 50-100mg of the extract which should be taken 2-3times daily.



It is a popular herbs for hypothyroidism used all over the world. Ashwaghanda is the popular name for Withania somniferous. It does no directly affect the thyroid gland, but it instead contains adaptogens properties which help the body cope with stress more successfully. Studies have suggested a link to existing between stress and hypothyroidism, taking the herb then lessens chances of developing associated thyroid conditions.

Other herbs for hypothyroidism management include flaxseed, black walnut, Echinacea, licorice and coconut oil.

Despite these herbs being effective in managing hypothyroidism, it may still be important for you to consult a doctor before taking them. This helps you understand your condition more and manage it in a better way.