High Protein Vegetarian Recipes: Need to Know!


If you are following a vegetarian diet, you need to confirm that you have all types of vitamins, minerals, protein in your diet list. Otherwise, your health will face damage. Know about the high protein vegetarian recipes and have them regularly for avoiding the lacks of protein.

high protein vegetarian recipes

Check out: Gluten Free Dessert Recipes

  • Black Bean Lasagna: Wheat pasta and black bean are needed for this recipe. This recipe is full of protein. You can also customize this by adding some ingredients.
  • Spaghetti Squash With Tempeh – Italian Style: This contains 32 grams protein in a cup. This is a good food, and you need to have it at least one time.
  • [sc:300×250 ]Meatless Meatloaf With The Mushroom Gravy: This food is made of egg, walnuts, oats and tofu. All of these made this food. This food has high protein in it, and this is a good alternative of the boring meatloaf.
  • Split Pea Soup For Vegetarian: This soup has heavy protein in it. This does not contain any non-vegetarian item. So this is preferable to most of the vegetarians.
  • Vegan Tacos: This recipe has soy chorizo in it besides having beans. The amount of soy chorizo is about 9g per serving. So this is a rich source of protein.
  • Barley Risotto: This is considered as a healthy vegetarian food. You can cook this food with greens and beans. This is perfect for those who are ambitious and is also a good source of protein.
  • Oat Waffle With Corn Meal: This is good for breakfast. You can start your day with this food. This food has high protein and good for the vegans.
  • Parmesan Broth: You can have this with white beans and kale that will give you a high amount of protein. Make the broth out of the cheese, and it will be a protein soup.
  • Burgers With The Potato Wedges: You can make the bean-kale burgers having the sweet potato wedges in it. Cheese, kale, and pinto beans will give you all the protein of the beef. So this can be a good alternative of the beef, and you will not have any ethical implications, fat or heart disease from this food.
  • Vegan Chili: Bean chili recipe is necessary for the vegetarians. This recipe contains a large amount of bean. So this is high in protein.
  • Salad Of Black Bean: You can add jack cheese with this salad. It will increase the protein of this.
  • Egg, Kale And Bean Stew: This serving dish will give you 28 grams protein. So you can have this as a source of protein.
  • Omelette With Mint, Peas And Brown Butter: It will give 8 grams protein per cup. This is good for health. You can have it with rice and other dishes.

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These are some high protein vegan recipes. You can have these in your regular life for having protein. People, who have the lack of protein, can have these foods as well as the vegans.

So this is important to know about the high protein vegetarian recipes. It will help you to cook the foods by yourself for having these regularly.