How To Choose Healthy Thai Foods? [Is Thai Food Healthy]


Thai Food is comfort food for many women. It is important that we learn is thai food healthy because Thai food can be very unhealthy. Thai foods are very mouth-watering, but not every dish falls under the healthy category.

is thai food healthy

Many if not most of the dishes are prepared with coconut milk which contains 50 grams of saturated fat per cup as stated by the U.S Department of Agriculture’s National Nutrient Database. Thai food offers a broad range of dishes that include deep fried portions of food, smothered veggies and meats in oily sauces which may not be healthy for young and adult women. However, Thai restaurants do offer healthier options such as steamed or stir fried dishes that all of us health conscious women can enjoy.

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Warm Up With a Bowl of Soup

sour shrimp soup photo
Flickr photo by Matt_Weibo

By just picking a soup prepared with a broth over another dish that has been cooked with coconut milk, consumers can dramatically limit the consumption of fatty acids and calories while dining at a Thai restaurant. Diners have the option to select a hot and sour shrimp soup which is a much healthier choice than coconut shrimp soup as stated by the “Cooking Light Magazine.” Broth made soups are often times ordered as healthy appetizers, choose soup with a lot of vegetables to fill you up, consuming the soup will help you to eat less by the time your entrée arrives.

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Chew On Cashew Chicken

Cashew Chicken photo
Flickr photo by ayustety

If you want to choose is thai food healthy, another excellent choice is ordering a portion of Cashew chicken. This dish is high in protein and the nuts offer healthy fats for the heart which according to research, has been connected with more vigorous cholesterol levels. The “Cooking Light Magazine” recommends eating just one serving due to its high-calorie content. Another beauty of this dish is that it lacks the coconut milk commonly found in Thai restaurants. To complement your cashew chicken, instead of steamed rice ask for brown rice which provides a serving of fibers and whole grains.

Opt For A Fresh Spring Roll

Fresh Spring Roll photo
Flickr photo by Food & Spirits Magazine

Freshly made spring rolls are filled with vegetables. The American Heart Association states that they are a healthier choice than the fried version of spring rolls. These rolls are steamed, which decreases the fat and calorie content without the elimination of flavor. This dish often comes with sweet and sour sauce, try to use only 2 Tablespoons or less of the sauce as 2 Tablespoons is said to contain 130 Milligrams of Sodium.

Going Stir Crazy

stir-fried noodles photo
Flickr photo by avlxyz

Stir Fries are made without coconut milk but are integrated with lean meats and vegetables for a healthier option. Here the American Heart Association recommends that Pad Thai is an excellent pick as it is made with stir-fried noodles, tofu, peanuts, and vegetables.

In Conclusion

Women love the comfort food. Though many Thai foods contain many calories and unnecessary fatty acids, you have a choice on which dishes you will order. Is thai food healthy, and Enjoy your food with a Smile!

Optional Information: How To Eat Thai Food?
Video on by Coconuts TV