Review Bosch Laser Measure GLM 15 Compact (50-Feet)


Review Bosch Laser Measure GLM 15 Compact (50-Feet). For estimating the length of certain items, it is real smart.

bosch laser measure

See Product Details: Bosch GLM 15 Compact Laser Measure, 50-Feet

The problem with it is that it must knock something to give the measurement. So you can be able to estimate the length if a board. It has worked better in the measurement of the distance between the ceiling and the floor, the height of the door and the length of the walls. It does this very well and it does not miss even an inch. The measurements it gives are effective and for the builders it is the right item for them. The size is very great; you can carry it and walk with it.

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Bosch Laser Measure (GLM 15) is said to be 1.9 by 5 by 8.2 inches but am not real sure of the measurement the manufacturer indicated or it was by mistake. I find it to be 1.9 by 5 by 1 inch. It works well, but the problem with it is that my cats and dogs thing it is something to play with.

When using it in measuring some distances, I make sure that my pets are locked till I complete the measurement for they may damage it. When measuring it may not give the correct measurement if the laser pointer happens to be on the glass, insulator, porous surface or metal. This limits its importance to some extent. I found it very difficult in measuring the basement walls since they are made of cinder blocks.

GLM 15When you want to measure a given distance you need to press the red button few times them back the black which is rubber coated butt up at the edge and finally blame then you will have instant laser measurement. It so wonderful that after each measurement it keeps it for reference on the screen you don’t need to be scrolling up and down the screen. The last measurement always sits on the upper part of the screen and if you want to repeat the measurement, it is easier to do the comparison if it is real giving consistent measurements.

To get better services from Bosch Laser Measure (GLM 15) you need to read the instruction given so that you can know how to reset it and get correct measurements. The guidelines are clear so you don’t need someone to train you on how it should be used. But if use put it in use before having clear ways of using it you may end up having challenges while using it. Take your time, the product is your and you will keep on using it to read the instructions. This is what makes this item operate, without them you can do nothing.

bosch laser measureIt has a screen which displays the readings and it is very clear for even short or long sited. What you should put in mind before you own Bosch Laser Measure (GLM 15) is that it does not measure the length of all items it is limited to some items only. If you think, you have got an item that can assist you in measuring everything you want then this it not for you. There must be a point where the laser point has to touch in order to give the readings.

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