Tile for iOS and Android Review: For Finding Anything


Have you been having problems in finding out where your keys are? I recently ordered three pieces of Tile for iOS and Android, one for my wife another one for my girl and one for myself. I made this step because I do forget easily and most of the time I would keep on searching for my keys especially that for my car.

Sometimes my younger boy can take it out of my hand and within a minute he is not aware of the bunch of keys are. I thought of finding a way so that it can be easy for me to track down my keys when I misplace them in the house.

tile for ios

See Product Details: Tile for iOS and Android (For Finding Anything and Everything – 4 Pack)

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I just went through few reviews which happen to give credit to this Tile for iOS. This pushed me to have one. Since then I have had no problem in locating where exactly my keys are. If you have something small in size and losing, it can create problems then this product is good for you.

What you need to do is to have an app in your phone and make sure to attach the tile to the keys and any other thing that you may want to prevent from getting lost. If you cannot remember where you placed your key, you can make use of your phone to locate where it is.

Tile for iOS and Android has many advantages but some of them include; it is very small and can fit well on the keying, at first I thought it was something big but I was surprised realizing that it is a small item that can be put on the ring together with the keys. It cannot be damaged by water due to the ability of being waterproof.

The noise is not loud which can wake someone or cause a disturbance. Since I bought it even if am almost late to work I don’t panic just because I don’t know where my keys are. Sometimes my kids do hide them but I tell you when I start locating them it is very fast.


Tile ™ (the world's largest lost and found) – youtube.com

Tile for iOS and AndroidSince the Tile for Android and iOS makes use of the Bluetooth, it makes my battery low needing to charge it every now and then. This makes me sad since am between choosing to enhance technology or preserve my battery.

From the time, it was delivered by Online Store my battery has been becoming low after every four hours it needs to be charged. Although the volume is okay, another problem arises when you are not able to have the keys. The sound doesn’t hide the place it is.

Tile™So if you are not keen enough you may search for the keys in a place for even three minuses. I remember one time when my kid just took them and left it in the box of clothes, then let it come time to search for my keys. I stayed looking for my keys in one place for almost five minutes.

Despite the demerit you can have an idea where your items are if they are attached to the Tile for iOS and Android . Make an order and get one for yourself from Online Store.

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