Review Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor (For Men and Women)


Review Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor (For Men and Women). I have used this type of razor continuously for three years so I know how it works very well. It is of high quality and beautiful. I am sure the one am using cannot last the whole of my life if God gives me more chances to live on this earth but can last for good months. I had previously used two different types which didn’t work well.

merkur long handled safety razor

See Product Details: Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor

The two are the Parker twist to open and the gillet super speed which I had to ditch due to their poor quality. The blades are put in an angle that when you use them you get bad cuts which may lead to many complications if bacteria happen to enter through the cutting.

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My face is very smooth since I changed the brand to Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor; it is the brand that I cherish. The cuts I used to have on my face are no longer there. My face do resemble that of a kid, you can’t imagine that. What you need to do is to be careful while shaving for you to have the best look or else you get an awful shape. The consequence for this is ending up giving negative reviews about the product.

I am not saying that it is 100% but according to me it does according to my needs. This is better in cutting down the cost of shaving e3ach week. Before I started shaving by myself, I used to go to a barber shop to be shaved every week. It was very expensive for that time because I didn’t even had a good paying job. By acquiring this brand all the cost have been cut down and I do save $12 a month that I used to spend in shaving.

You just enjoy using Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor and you can shave in all different styles you need. For my case I shave after every three days stop my face is always clean you may think I was born that way. It is light making its use comfortable. What amazes me when I go back to the reviews I find out that it is getting more and more positive reviews meaning that it is the best item you need to have for shaving?

Long Handled Safety Razor

In the estimate I spent almost %1000 changing the handles of gillet and the razors too, it was not different from shaving at the barber shop. Plus all the cuts, this first step I made was terrible due to lack of information. I just went to the market and bought one without having to learn from those who had used it before. I thought it was because my skin was soft and that is the reason I had all the cuts, but I got the same complaint from my friend who tried the gillet.

So I caution you, before buying these items you need to do some thorough research so as to know the product better and be ready for the consequences that may fall you. This Online Shop is ready to ship the Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor if you make an order and pay for it. I hope this review can make you have a better choice.

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