Review Honey Can Do Organizer CRT-01683 (12 Drawer)


In your home, you need somewhere to place your important documents and other precious items. The Honey Can Do Organizer (CRT-01683) can be perfectly used in an office, classroom, and art studio or at home. It has double columns each one with six drawers that are transparent to note what is inside. The reason for it being, transparent is to enable you identify which drawer consist of the items you are searching for. It is mobile so you can move it through the rooms in the house to where you need it.

honey can do organizer

See Product Details: Honey-Can-Do CRT-01683 12 Drawer Chrome Studio Organizer Cart

It is very good, but the problem comes in when you are assembling it. The problem of having the screws loosening, which I read from other reviews, can be minimized by following the following procedure.

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At the beginning of assembling, you need to leave the wheels out ant the top cover. Then make sure that the other middle part is assembled making the screws snugly tightened. Now after you have made all the parts in the right position and they are together then start working on each screw. This is done by removing one and fixing it at a time them move to the other. Here is how it is done. Coat the threads lightly and carefully to avoid it dropping all the places. To prevent the screws from sliding, you apply some drops of thread lockers. The have the screw park to the whole and screw it firmly. Do the same with all other screws and you will never have the screws becoming loose any time?

You have made the body without the wheels and the top cover. Fix he wheels and the top cover too. To make it more secure, you can use the screws that hold the knobs with the thread locker. The process of assembling the Honey Can Do Organizer CRT-01683 will come to an end smoothly and secure. Following this procedure you will never have it loose any time. I had books scattered all over the house but now they are well arranged in my drawers. It looks good and sits comfortable on the floor like it is waiting to be pushed to another destination.

Honey-Can-Do CRT-01683My daughter has fount it fit to play with when am no around to stop her. She likes opening the drawers and closing them but being near will make her annoyed but I will safeguard my properties and the life of the Honey Can Do Organizer (CRT-01683). The drawers are very smooth to pull out and push in. The assembling my seem to be time-consuming but let me tell you that it is a thirty minutes exercise and all will be done.

When I look at it I the structure is great and sturdy giving me a feeling of it being well made. Imagine you becoming an assembling engineer from nothing, anybody can fix so worries should not be there just follow the simple guidelines and have your Honey Can Do Organizer CRT-01683 ready made. Have it from Online Shopping and not any other place. You just pay for it and within few houses, if you are located near to this online store outlets then have your item.

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