Painful Lump In The Breast For Women (Facts on Causes)


The type of breast pain that is associated with a lump in the breast is normally found under noncyclical breast pain. This is because it is a pain that is not related to the menstrual cycle (cyclical breast pain). Painful lump in the breast is usually caused by benign which is noncancerous. You should never ignore a lump that is painful in your breast.

painful lump in the breast

There are many causes that do exist so that you can feel that pain or tenderness in either one or both of your breasts. For some women who experience breast pain, it is normally attributed to causes that are not harmful like puberty or pregnancy.

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One of the major concerns for women is breast cancer, but cancer of the breast is rarely caused by some isolated pain in the breast. Below are some causes of breast pain (painful lump in the breast):

  1. Fibrocystic breast disease
  2. Premenstrual syndrome (cyclic breast pain)
  3. Hormonal fluctuations that are normal
  4. Menopause or onset of puberty
  5. Pregnancy
  6. Nursing or breastfeeding
  7. Therapy with estrogen
  8. Tenderness of chest walls (costochondritis)
  9. A breast injury like trauma, after a surgery of the breast
  10. Shingles where pain is usually in only one breast and is accompanied by a rash
  11. Use of some certain medications like as digoxin or lanoxin, methyldopa or abdomen, spironolactone or Aldactone, oxymetholone or anadrol and chlorpromazine or thioridazine.
  12. A breast infection e.g. mastitis or breast abscess
  13. Finally, breast cancer.

Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer Lawyer

Image @ Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer Lawyer (

In case you have a Painful Lump In The Breast or not, the doctor will check the following:

  • Fibrocystic changes: it was previously referred to as the fibrocystic disease; it is the a benign that is most common and does not threaten life or health of a person as a breast condition.
  • Cysts: Breast cysts are usually lumps that are filled with fluid.
  • Breast cancer: Some lumps in your breast might be cancer.

There are usually several benign conditions that can occur and might cause a lump. Most of the women will experience breasts that are lumpy before they experience their periods. It is usually a normal response to the change of hormones and it is often that lumps normally disappear the periods are over.

However, if this kind of lump does not go away immediately, it is important that you check with your doctor or noticing a new lump regardless of your age.

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Many women find their breasts feeling lumpy. Tissues of the breast usually have a natural texture that is bumpy. You can find that there are some women who have many lumps in their breast as compared to other women, but this lumpiness is not a case for someone to worry in many cases. If you can feel the lumpiness in your breast and it just feels like the other breast, then the lumpiness is probably a normal tissue of the breast.

Lumps that feel harder are usually different from the other lumps of the breast and are a concern to be checked by a doctor. This is because; such kind of a hard lump can be a sign of breast cancer or even a benign condition of the breast like cyst or fibroadenoma. You should a doctor if:

  • You find a lump that is new, and it feels different from the rest of your breast.
  • If you find a new lump that will be feeling different from the other breast.
  • You feel something that is different from what you had felt before.

It is very okay to see a doctor if you are not sure of a new lump also or even any change in your breast. Though the lump or a change in the breast can have nothing to worry about, it is good to go to a doctor and be checked so that you can avoid stress.

In case you have had a benign lump on your breast in the past, you should assume that it is the same this time round. Go for checking especially if you notice a painful lump in your breast.

In summary, having a painful lump in the breast can be nothing to worry about at times but you should see a doctor if the pain persists.