Home Remedies For Hair Growth Every Woman Should Use


home remedies for hair growth

People always want to have that long and lustrous hair but still end up having some short hair. Some might resolve to use some enhancements that just make it harder for the hair to grow. The use of chemicals might also result into problems affecting the scalp. This might lead to permanent hair loss for some people. The causes of hair loss in most cases include hormonal imbalances, stress, heating tools, genetics, nutritional deficiencies, and many more other reasons. Whichever your reason is, there is no need to panic because all this can be resolved with the following home remedies for hair growth.

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Massage Your Scalp With Hot Oil Treatment

Massaging your scalp is important to help in improving blood circulation around it to help in hair growth. The more blood passes around the scalp; it means there will be more nutrients for the hair to grow well. Acquire your favorite oil and used it twice a week in the hot oil treatment process. You just have to do this process like five minutes per day and wait for great results. The use of hot oil is important since it will be possible for it to get deeper into the scalp and strengthen each hair strand.

DIY Hot Oil Treatment and Scalp Massage (Youtube.com)

For Valentine's day … why not show your hair and scalp some love? In this VDO, I combine my oils for a spa-like pre-shampoo treatment and scalp massage.

Using Rosemary

rosemary hair growth


Image @ How to Prepare Rosemary for Hair? (wikihow.com)

Rosemary is an important herb to help you with hair growth. The herb is known to provide the growth of long hair and eliminating dandruff. Dandruff are a result of dry scalp; this means that the herb can also soften the scalp making it generate better-looking hair. In addition, the herb has some antioxidant properties that will boost the hair growth. The presence of silica and sulfur in the herb will help prevent any cases of hair loss. For those people who want to get darker hair, make sure to try out rosemary herb for your hair treatment.

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Use Castor Oil For Better Hair

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Castor oil is among the many home remedies for hair growth. Many people to treat their hair conditions have used castor oil for a long time. Castor oil is famous for containing vitamin E and omega fatty acids. All these components are important for having a better-looking hair at all times. Castor oil is used to treat hair conditions such as frizzing, scalp infections, and addition volume to the amount of hair a person already has. Mix castor oil with olive oil and apply it in your hair. After rinsing your hair later on, there is a guarantee that it will feel different.

[Related: How To Use Coconut Oil For Hair Treatment (For Women) / Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo Review]

Using Eggs

how many of calories in an egg

Eggs too have important proteins necessary for hair growth. The hair needs the keratin protein to grow and amazingly, eggs have such proteins. Mix the eggs with olive oil and apply onto your hair. Wait for around 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. You should have better hair in a few days after this treatment.

All the above home remedies for hair growth are natural and easy to find. Talk to your dermatologist to help you understand the different types of home remedies to use.