Original Pink Box Tool Bag Review (PB30TBK 12-Inch 30-Piece Set)


This is my first bag (Original Pink Box Tool Bag) that I have owned that can accommodate my tools. It is very nice in terms of color. At first when I heard of it I didn’t believe that there existed a bag which can accommodate all of my tools. I am a skilled mechanic and most of the time I get orders which force to move from my garage to some homes to repair vehicles.

original pink box tool bag

See Product Details: The Original Pink Box PB30TBK 12 Inch Tool Bag and 30-Piece Tool Set

My tool box is very heavy and carrying it is a problem. Most of the time, I had to hire a motorcycle and sometimes take my wife’s car when having an order far from my place of work. So I needed something light that can accommodate my tools.

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I feel very happy when find out that my Original Pink Box Tool Bag can accommodate all my tools. It looks beautiful and you may not note what is being carried in there. It is spacious enough and if you check the inner part, you can’t miss the surprise. It has numerous pockets which are big enough to accommodate some of my tools.

The problem I have with these inner pockets is that they are big until they cannot hold the items inside. If you try to put small items inside there, then you will be shocked when you get the bag opened. You can’t find anything inside. I usually find the mixed up for me there is no need of trying to arrange them.

PB30TBK 12 Inch ToolAnother amazing fact is that it the Original Pink Box Tool Bag (PB30TBK 12-Inch 30-Piece Set) has many pockets on the outer part. They help me put in those items that are large and cannot fit in the bag. It is very strong and it has served ma for the last five months and I have hopes that it will do much more in many months to come.

I read some reviews where one person did write a review which annoyed me. But it’s just his views about how he thinks the bag is. What matters is the purpose to which you are buying this Original Pink Box Tool Bag for. The lower part is not well make and I do agree with that bit about the color am that type of a person who cares less I judge it on the durability side and its size but when it comes to color I leave that to my wife.

Box Tool BagIf you are planning to own one never be discouraged by the reviews you come across Box Tool Bag is very good in carrying your tools more especially if you keep on moving from one place to another. Let's take a case where you need few tools will you carry the whole to box or can you carry them by your hands? The bag fits in those scenarios. I don’t find any reason why I will miss to own this long lasting bag. What you should have in mind this is not a metal which can last for many years.

Original Pink Box Tool Bag can be prone to tear. I obtained mine from the store and I like the pods that I buy it because they are pretty and last for a long time.

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