Review Little Chief Front Load Smoker (Smokehouse Products)


The Little Chief Front Load Smoker (Smokehouse Products) has a medium size with four grills. It operates with 250 watts. It is designed perfectly for any type of game meat, poultry, fish, beef and pork. It is made of aluminum and it has been a great item for many years now. It has the following items; flavor pan, smoker, electric cord, and grilling racks. It is to unload when the meat is ready. You just do it as an oven from the front. Cleaning is very easy. The materials used to make the smoker are very durable and it does not require any assembling you just buy it and start using it.

little chief front load smoker

See Product Details: Smokehouse Products Little Chief Front Load Smoker

You can decide to make your since it is possible to make it given that you have all what is needed. But it can be much expensive in obtaining all the items needed to build up a Smoker. Better to buy Little Chief Front Load Smoker than having to come up with yours. I have been using mine for business over twelve years now and it works pretty. There is no problem carrying it when relocating since I have done so six times, but it is still in good condition. It is recently that I bought one for my family back at home at a very cheap price and I hope it will serve them as the one that I have been using.

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When buying Little Chief Front Load Smoker you need to be keen on usage specifics to avoid unnecessary accidents. Failure to follow the given instructions means that you already plan to fail in using this product. The first things before you find a better place where you install familiarize yourself with the requirements. Here are a few that you must do according to the. Make sure you use it outside this is because of high temperature so make sure that the place at which you are using it is open. The Little Chief Front Load Smoker must be at least two feet away from the combustible materials. The surface to which you are using it on can either be concrete or a surface that is non-combustible. Ensure that you use the smoker with 110volts

I found this video on Little Chief Electric Smoker (review) – A quick look at the Little Chief Smoker [front load model]


  • Simple to utilize
  • Sensibly measured


  • The entire thing is simply horrendous to clean, gratings and what not.
  • Handles aren't sufficiently confined from the high temperature, so they get excessively hot to touch amid operation.
  • Gratings aren't exactly substantial enough and will fall if not put deliberately enough.
  • Just 4 gratings included despite the fact that there are 5 spots for them.
  • This framework is plainly a segue for getting you to buy things that truly ought to have been incorporated (like protection and enough racks).

So as should be obvious I have more particular dissensions than compliments, yet I evaluated “Smokehouse Products Little Chief Front Load Smoker” as 4.6 stars. So none of these grumblings are major issues, and all together are worth 0.4 star. I'd prescribe this item to any individual who needs a passage level smoker, which is all a great many people need.

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