Mediterranean Diet Food List – Women Health Benefits


Women are regarded as more health cautious than their opposite sex. It is good to be fully cautious of the kind of diet we chose to follow and also to be aware of the benefits and downsides of each one. Among the most popular diets is the Mediterranean diet. This article shows you all about “Mediterranean Diet Food List“.

mediterranean diet food list

This diet is based on fish, whole grains, vegetables and fruits with emphasis on the use of olive oil. It comes with numerous benefits that can see you ward off some serious illnesses. Knowing or rather having a good and well-planned Mediterranean diet food list can help you know the exact items to pick when you are out shopping.

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Health Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet

There are various health benefits of this diet including reducing the risk of cancer. Sticking to a Mediterranean diet food list can see you lower the risk of chronic conditions such as peripheral artery disease, stroke, and other major cardiovascular conditions.

This diet can help prevent health complications such obesity by assisting in a successful weight loss plan. According to research, it can also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease by improving brain function to a great extent. It enables you to control how many calories you consume and therefore enhancing longevity and slowing down the aging process.

Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan Explained – Is The Mediterranean Diet For You?

You can download ‘Mediterranean Diet Shopping List – Food List‘ (PDF)
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Some Of  Mediterranean Diet Food List

Vegetables are a must have in your Mediterranean diet food list. One of the highly appreciated and recommended vegetables is the broccoli. It is regarded as a super food; highly rich in potassium, vitamin C, calcium, and fiber. [sc:Right300x250 ]

Broccoli is one of the factors that make your Mediterranean diet food list healthy; it also has carotenoids, cancer-fighting indoles, and isothiocyanates. Vegetables and fruits should take up a large part of your shopping list.

Olive oil is one of the most emphasized ingredients in the Mediterranean diet. It is the principal fat used to prepare food items. It contains unsaturated fatty acids; the type that lowers harmful cholesterol levels.

Fish or Poultry  On the Mediterranean diet food list, you should have fish or poultry as part of it. Instead of red meat, purchase poultry or fish. These foods include turkey, squid, salmon, oysters, chicken, shrimp, mackerel, tuna, salmon, tilapia, mussels, lobster and flounder.

Grains that have little to no Trans-fats; or saturated fats are best suited for the Mediterranean diet. Best food grains are derived from whole grains when on the Mediterranean diet. Some of them include wheat, couscous, oats, barley, rice, and bulgur.

Another thing that is recommended as part of the Mediterranean diet is a glass of red wine per day. Making red wine part of your Mediterranean diet food list is an excellent choice. It is the best replacement for soft drinks and fruit juices.

The Mediterranean Diet pyramid concept

The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid Concept (Image @

As you enjoy this diet, it is important to drink a lot of water and incorporate a bit of exercise if you plan to lose weight. A healthy lifestyle is essential in preventing a lot of complications that come with age and also to reduce the risk of some common chronic conditions.

Helpful Information: Advanced Mediterranean Diet Tools (Printable Documents)