Sacred Heart Soup Diet: 7 Day Diet Plan for Women


The sacred heart soup diet schedule is a plan of 7 day diet plan for women allows you to take a particular set of meal in each day and a special type of soup that your body wants.

sacred heart soup diet

There are many types of “sacred heart soup diet” and they are mostly similar. The main difference of this diet is a recipe of the making soup. Soda is included in some types of diet, but not mostly. This diet plan is mainly used for the overweight person, which have heart problems. And they want to decrease his weight very fast or quickly, before their surgery.

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The low-calorie soups and vegetables are used in the sacred heart soup diet. Basically, this diet schedule is not decreasing your weight, but it will gain your body energy level and remove the toxic substances to purify your body.

For people who are suffering from Diabetes and bowel issues, this diet is also helpful for that type of person.

There Are Many More Names Of The Diet Plan Like:

  • Miami Heart Institute diet
  • Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital diet
  • Cabbage Soup Heart diet
  • Spokane Heart diet
  • Cleveland Clinic diet

There are some disadvantages of this diet schedule like another diet schedule. Like decrease the level of vitamins and minerals because of limitations of food supply. That's why some type of patients stays away from the sacred heart Soup diet. Any person who wants to implement this diet schedule, he must consult with a doctor.

There are many different types of soups for sacred heart soup diet plan. No one knows where this diet program is originated. And no one knows his actual recipe. There are many types of recipe on the market and these are the some recipes:

  • Green Beans- Two Cans
  • Two Green Peppers
  • One Bunch Celery
  • Chicken Noodle Soup One Pack
  • Fat-free Beef Broth- One Large Can
  • Stewed Tomato- One Or Two Cans
  • Two Pounds Of Carrots
  • Three Large Green Onions

The 7 Day Diet Plan for Women:

  • Day 1: You have to eat any fruit, but not bananas. The less calorie fruits are Cantaloupes and Watermelon. On the first day, you have to eat only soup and fruits and nothing else.
  • Day 2: You eat all types of vegetables, which are cooked or canned veggies, raw and fresh and full yourself. Give priority to green leafy vegetables. And dry beans, corn, and peas are not in your diet. And drink soup regularly. At dinner, butter and a baked potato are in your diet. [sc:Right300x250 ]
  • Day 3: You eat all types of soup, veggies, and fruits that you want to eat. On this day, you don’t want to eat baked potatoes.
  • Day 4: You eat bananas and skim milk or yogurts. You have to drink more and more milk and eat minimum three bananas. Bananas have high carbohydrates and calories to the mix with milk, but in four days your body needs carbs and potassium.
  • Day 5: You eat tomatoes and beef. You have to eat at least six or seven tomatoes and 10 to 20 ounces of beef in this day. And eat soup regularly at one time this day. Soup of cabbage soup heart diet.
  • Day 6: You eat veggies and beef. You have to eat 2 or 3 steaks of green leafy vegetables on this day and do not bake potato. And eat soup once in a day.
  • Day 7: You eat unsweetened fruit juice, brown rice, and veggies. And don’t forget your soup. In your rice, add the cooked veggies in the rice during the sacred heart soup diet.

7 day diet plan for women

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While women have reported losing many weights on the sacred heart soup diet, it isn't a diet that will promote long-term healthy lose weight. Most women gain the weight back fast and have to keep repeating diets like this over again. The diets that become the lifestyle teach portion control address emotional the eating issues, and are not very restrictive.