How to Get Rid of Blackheads Overnight?


Learn to know “How to Get Rid of Blackheads Overnight?”

how to get rid of blackheads overnight

Blackheads are common among many people these days and most are trying to get rid of them. Blackheads occur when there are dirt and oil accumulation in the skin pores for a long time. At first, the skin pores will look normal but after some time, it comes black making a person uncomfortable even among the peers.

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However, not all hope is lost in rectifying the condition. A couple of methods that a person can use to get rid of the blackheads are available. Just make sure that they are safe for your skin or else you might end up having more skin problems.

Here are the top ways on how to get rid of blackheads overnight.

Using Tomatoes

Tomatoes photo

Not many people would believe that tomatoes had medicinal properties. You can be sure that this is possible depending on the amount of tomatoes that you use. Tomatoes have antiseptic properties that will help in unclogging the skin pores. The skin pores might have serious oil and dirt clogs that are causing the whole blackheads thing.

Start by mashing the tomato and using its juice as facial treatment. Make sure you apply quite a concentration on the nose or the face where the effect is a lot. Let the paste stay on your face overnight before washing it off. Tomato is known to dry up the blackheads leaving you with a nice smooth and clear skin.

Using Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice photo
Photo by Sarah Cady

The lemon is a popular method on how to get rid of blackheads overnight. The main reason is that it has antioxidant and antiseptic properties that the skin needs. The Lemon is acidic so make sure to dilute the lemon juice with water so that it does not irritate the skin. If you want the mixture to be effective, then add some salt and mix it properly.

Some people usually add honey to make it the best blackheads treatment agent. Apply the mixture to the affected place and if possible leave it that way overnight. The acidic nature and the salt in the mixture will help in drying up of the blackheads overnight.

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Using Eggs Combined With Honey

how many of calories in an egg

We just love to eat eggs for their proteins, however; they can also be effective in treating blackheads. You will have to mix eggs with honey to form the perfect treating agent for the blackheads. You have to make sure that the mixture concentrates on the most affected places.

You might have to leave for around 30 minutes until the face feels tight. This will mean that most of the blackheads have been dried up. You can now rinse your face with warm water to remove the paste on the skin.

Using Sugar And Honey


This method will help you to make a facial scrub that is very effective on how to get rid of blackheads overnight. Start by cleaning your face with a face cleanser to remove any dirt on the skin. You can now apply the mixture of sugar and honey on the face or any other affected place.

The scrub will help to bring the blackheads on the top layer of the skin making them easy to remove without hurting the face.