How Does Hash Oil Helps To Cure Deadly Ailments?


Hash oil (also known as hashish oil, butane honey oil, BHO, shatter, crumble, honey oil, dabs, budder, liquid cannabis, and hemp bud oleoresin) is an oleoresin obtained by the extraction of dried female cannabis flowers with any of a number of solvents.

hash oil

Hash oil is a mix of essential oils and resins extracted from mature cannabis foliage through the use of various solvents such as ethanol or hexane. The solvent is then evaporated, which leaves the oil. Hash oil tends to have a high proportion of cannabinoids—a range from 30 to 90% THC content can be found. It can be smoked with a specialty pipe (specifically for hash oil or hash), with a vaporizer, with cannabis bud in a pipe, joint, or added to food.

How It Cures Deadly Ailments?

1. Anti-aging properties

Hemp oil rejuvenates vital organs even in small doses it is very common for people to report that they feel 20 to 30 years younger after only ingesting the oil for a short time.

2. Cures cancer

Laboratory tests conducted in 2008 by a team of scientists formed as a joint research effort between Spain, France and Italy, and published in The Journal Of Clinical Investigation, showed that the active ingredient in marijuana, known as tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, can function as a cure for brain cancer by inducing human glioma cell death through stimulation of autophagy.

The study concluded that via the same biochemical process THC could terminate multiple types of cancers, affecting various cells in the body. Other studies have shown that cannabinoids may work by various mechanisms, including inhibiting cell growth, inducing cell death, and inhibiting tumor metastasis.

What is amazing is that while cannabinoids effectively target and kill cancerous cells, they do not affect healthy, normal cells and may actually protect them against cellular death. Moreover, cannabinoids are also researched for their pain-modulation and anti-inflammatory abilities as they bind to special receptors in the brain, much like opioid derivatives that are commonly prescribed today.

Further evidence to support the effects of cannabis extract on malignant cells comes from the real life experience of individuals who have successfully overcome cancer by using cannabis oil. Examples include a patient, who managed to completely cure his skin cancer by simply applying cannabis oil onto the affected areas of the skin, as well as another, who recovered from a severe head injury with the aid of hemp oil.

One of the cannabinoids that has displayed amazing medical properties is cannabidiol, or CBD – a non-psychoactive compound that is regarded by some as the medical discovery of the 21st century, and with good reason. Research indicates that CBD can relieve convulsions, reduce inflammation, lower symptoms of anxiety and suppress nausea, while also inhibiting cancer development. In addition, CBD has exhibited neuro-protective properties, relieving symptoms of dystonia and proving just as effective as regular antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia.

What stands out is that from the vast amount of research and data available, as well as the personal experiences of cancer survivors, is that no chemotherapy currently being used medically can match the non-toxic anti-carcinogenic and anti-tumorigenic effects of these natural plant compounds.

3. It can also be used in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia.

4. Glaucoma: In terms of eye health, hemp oil has been linked to a reduction in glaucoma and a prevention of macular degeneration.

5. Heart Health: The volatile oils in cannabis essential oil can also help to improve heart health by balancing out the negative oils in your system. It can stimulate antioxidant processes as well, scraping off excess cholesterol and maximizing the health of your cardiovascular system.

6. Skin Protection: The powerful components of cannabis oil are also used to protect the sensitive skin, and can be consumed both internally and applied externally to achieve this important side effect. It can stimulate the shedding of dead skin and faster re-growth of health, glowing skin. It also is known to prevent wrinkles and signs of aging, while also protecting against eczema and psoriasis.


Hash Oil produced and sold by “dealers” can have many contaminants and lots of times have little or no THC in them. Most of the time cannabis oil available on the street should be avoided for medicinal uses such as treating cancer. It's always better to make your own oil or to have someone you trust make your oil. This helps assure a very pure, high quality oil is obtained.

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[alert-note]Author Bio: Kelly Everson is an American author and having MA in English literature. After spending time as a writer in some of Health Industries best websites, she now works as an independent researcher and contributor for health news related website like Consumer Health Digest. In her spare time, she does research work regarding Beauty and Women Health, Fitness and overall health issues, which acts as a fuel to her passion of writing. When she is not researching or writing, you can find Kelly staying active, whether it be practicing yoga or taking swimming classes. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.[/alert-note]