How To Use Coconut Oil For Hair Treatment (For Women)


coconut oil for hair

Using coconut oil is a great way for people to treat their skin and hair. For those women who always feel like they their hair is kinky and keeps on snapping at the slightest pull, try using coconut oil for hair treatment. Only those people who have used this type of oil will highlight the advantages. However, you do not have to hear it from someone else since even you can enjoy the benefits. Make sure that you get a jar of unrefined coconut since it is an all-purpose moisturizer.

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How To Make Coconut Oil In Your Home? (Published on
This vdo to show you how easily you can make pure natural coconut oil right in your home. All you need is patience and some time. This is a much time harmful process, very little oil in the end to show for it but you will have fun doing it. One dozen coconuts were used in this process. There are different ways to make coconut oil. This is only one way of doing it.

Or you can buy coconut oil for hair from online store, I recommend “Viva Labs Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (16 Ounce)”

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Here Are The 4 Steps For A Person To Use Coconut Oil For Hair Treatment.

[ Step 1 ]

Start by wearing some old clothes such as t-shirts because the coconut oil is quite drippy. You do not want it falling on your nice clothes while doing the hair treatment process. You could also use a towel wrapped around your shoulders to prevent the oil from going all the way down to other clothes. In addition, it will be much better if you conduct the hair treatment in the bathroom. This is to control the amount of spillage to a minimum.

You still have to choose something that will cover your hair. If you have a shower cap, that will just do fine. However, using an old sheet or t-shirt can also be ideal. Just make sure it is something that will hold for several hours or even overnight.

[ Step 2 ]

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This is where you can now start the actual process of preparing your coconut oil for hair treatment. The amount of coconut oil needed in this case will depend on the thickness and length of your hair. For those who have long and thick hair, use 5 teaspoons of coconut oil. If you have shorter and thinner hair, 3 teaspoons of coconut oil will just be fine. Put the correct content of oil into a microwave bowl. There is no problem is you use more coconut oil than what is recommended.

There will be no harm to your hair since the coconut oil will just be washed away. Ensure that you are using unrefined coconut oil since the refined type will have preservative compounds that are not good for the hair.

[ Step 3 ]

coconut oil for hairPut the bowl with coconut oil in the microwave and heat it for about 30 seconds. After that, stir and heat the bowl again for another 30 seconds. This will make the oil melt and easy to apply on the hair. Let it cool down if it is too hot. You can now pour the coconut oil around the top of your head. Use the fingers to massage it down to the hair shaft. Continue the process until the whole hair is drenched in coconut oil.

[ Step 4 ]

Wrap the hair together and cover it with a shower cap or an old t-shirt. Wait for at least two hours then it is time for the wash the oil from the hair. After washing the hair, you can now dry it using the appropriate techniques that you know.

Coconut oil for hair treatment is a common method that people are using these days. It is inexpensive but still effective in the job that it does.