Anxiety symptoms in women


Generalized anxiety or low-grade anxiety is a problem that many women face. This condition if not managed of treated can become full blown panic attacks, anxiety disorders of phobias. These anxiety symptom in women manifests themselves during periods of psychological stress and biological changes in their body.

Most women who suffer from anxiety, have become as accustomed to living with this disorder as many of them have had it since childhood.  It is often never mentioned until they reach the pre-menopause stage, and their symptoms begin to manifest more often.

Anxiety symptoms in women

Anxiety and worry are low-grade disorders of the emotions and physiology. Most psychologists see anxiety as something that is purely emotional this manifest as the outward side of negative feelings that have been repressed along with inner conflict. Scientists have been carrying out research into severe anxiety and panic disorders for well over 30 years and from this they have established the fact that all fear stems from a real physiological cause that is equally as important to treat more so in providing relief of anxiety that is caused by hormonal imbalances.

So what is anxiety?

At some point in our lives, we all experience anxiety and feel panicky. This manifests as a racing heart, shaky knees, shortness of breath, and a mind full of irrational thoughts. This is a natural mechanism as fear is part of what keeps us alive. In fact, the human body is so designed with a fight of flight mechanism that brings the complete expression of our mental and physical prowess when we are in eminent danger.

The limbic system, that is the part of our brain which coordinates our emotions,  and fight or flight response, it relies on a unique interplay with hormones and neurotransmitters to fuel the body and mind to deal with an enemy.

When this natural system starts to malfunction people, report feelings of fear and anger having no the tangible cause. Just like our immune response, our fight or flight response is activated in the face of danger and once that has passed it returns to rest. In the 21 century too many persons never find the time to relax, and their minds are constantly on high alert with all the physical responses associated with an overactive mind.

Anxiety and its symptoms in women

While most individuals at some point in time will have experiences or episodes in which some or all of the symptoms of anxiety are present, what separates healthy anxiety and or panic for panic attack or chronic stress is what triggers the episodes. If you believe that you heard a strange sound at night, it’s natural to wake up with you heart pounds and muscles seizing, however this becomes unhealthy if it takes place while you are sitting at a table in a restaurant. Below are some of the symptoms associated with anxiety.

  • Irrational fear or dread
  • Tearfulness
  • Headache and muscle tension
  • Insomnia
  • Chest pain
  • Elevated heart rate/palpitations
  • Diarrhea/GI distress/IBS
  • Shortness of breath or pressure on your chest  
  • Sudden changes in body temperature/hot flashes
  • Nausea
  • Jumpiness/irritability/shakiness
  • Depression — about 20-30% of those who have anxiety disorders will also suffer from depression.

Treatments for anxiety

To experience relief from anxiety, you should look into restoring your body’s natural healthy equilibrium. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, diet, lifestyle, exercise levels, general physical health, and hormonal balance.

The fixation of anxiety relief starts first with good nutrition. If you have a serotonin deficiency, you will crave for simple carbohydrates and sugars. However, these foods will cause your insulin levels to spike and then crash, which causes you moods to destabilize this create a bottoming out feeling. To counter, this eats whole foods, which will maintain stable blood sugar levels. Do not consume artificial foods, Tran’s fats, processed foods, and artificial additives. Eat several servings of fiber-rich vegetables and fruit during your meals and drink plenty of filtered water.

It is a proven fact that physical activity provides the best anxiety relief. It balances the hormone. In a study, people who spend at least 30-60 minutes of moderate exercise every daily report having less anxiety than those in a similar group that do not do exercise. Begin slowly and then build up to 30 minutes daily.  Find a neighborhood group or friend to exercise with, this provides more fun, and you will be more encouraged to continue.

Vitamin D

Ensure that you get enough fresh air and lots of sunlight. You will need about 15 minutes of sunlight exposure daily, this should be done in the late afternoon and early mornings as this stimulates the production of vitamin D in your body. Vitamin D deficiency leads to depression.

Try using techniques such as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques. These techniques incorporation relaxation techniques and they locate the cause of your anxiety.

If you are suffering from devastating thoughts and physical symptoms of anxiety, consult your health care provider regarding useful short-term medications.  If your health care provider does not provide you with added support to aid you in the long term, investigate alternatives or consult with an integrative medical practitioner. Using anti-anxiety medicines for long periods will not cure you. Anxiety symptoms in women are treatable.

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3 Causes of Panic Attacks and Signs of Anxiety in Women :